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Planning a backyard chicken coop for happy and healthy chickens: a fun resource for children starting a backyard chicken coop! 

This backyard chicken coop printable guide PDF is a fantastic resource for families interested in building and maintaining a small, affordable chicken coop. It provides helpful tips and tricks for construction and chicken coop Must Haves, along with a 3D chicken coop plans, with useful steps to use as a building guide.

There's an informative poster that comes in three styles and two sizes: letter and poster sized! 

Perfect for adults and children alike, this guide will ensure happy and healthy chickens for years to come! It's the perfect pack for those interested in homesteading. There’s fun extras like a chicken to-do list, chicken names, backyard chicken coop note pages, and common predators. The guide even includes pages for drawing your own coop, learning common chicken coop words, and exploring chicken and chicken coop anatomy pages and more!

Chicken Coop Guide

  • This is a helpful guide to learn about building a chicken coop, as well as learning resources to teach children about backyard chickens and homesteading! The 91-page bundle is hand-illustrated using a mix of watercolor, ink, and 3D design and includes the following:

    • A helpful guide of must-haves for your small chicken coop.
    • A useful list of some predators and how you can protect your chickens.
    • Informative posters in letter size and poster size (19X24 inches to print at a print shop).
    • A 3D model with steps explaining how to build a small chicken coop.
    • Plans to use as a guide to build your own small chicken coop.
    • Hen anatomy pages.
    • Chicken coop anatomy pages.
    • Chicken coop coloring pages.
    • Chick dandelion pigment painting tutorial and template.
    • Supplies you'll need for your coop.
    • Images of our first chicken coop from salvaged materials.
    • Chicken coop words to read and write, as well as some definitions.
    • Chicken journal pages.
    • Daily chicken checklist and planning pages.
    • Chicken name cards. ...and more!

    Created by Acorns and Aprons ©2023 - All rights reserved. For classroom use and personal use to print at home.

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