These adorable miniature 3D swans that we designed captures the beauty of real swans by using folded tissue paper as it’s body. The delicate tissue paper reflects the light in a whimsical way and makes it look luminous. You won’t be able to make just one, we made two so that they can have a mate. Swans bond for life with their partner so it seems fitting. When there’s two they can align together creating a heart shape.
Practice the letter S during this craft. The neck creates the letter S by using tinfoil and tissue paper. You can practice saying and spelling S words like SWAN.

White Tissue Paper
Tin Foil
Acrylic Paint - white, orange (red and yellow) and black
Clear Glue or Mod Podge
String or thread.
Glue or Clay to stick the swan to the base.
Wooden coin (round). Or Any base to help it stands up. You can use wood, cardboard, a flat rock or even a large old coin.

1. Make an S shape with tin foil, as thick as you think will work, ours was an adult pinky finger or child’s finger in thickness and 4-5 inches long. We made two.

2. Cover the tin foil with white tissue paper, by cutting little squares of the tissue paper and gluing them on. It’s best to put the glue onto the tinfoil and wrapping the tissue paper flat around it. Then glue over the top of the tissue to harden it. We used mod podge but any clear glue will work.

4. Paint the beak orange at the top end of the S and use black along the edge of the beak and for the eyes.
5. Create the tissue paper body. Follow the images below on how to Create the Swan‘s body.
Steps for the body:
a) You’ll need to cut out several tissue paper squares and pile them on top of each other. 10-12 pieces work well. About 6 inches wide. b) Fold the tissue paper like a fan (fold, flip, fold, flip) until you reach the end.
c) Tie a knot using string in the middle.
d) Cut the folded edges into a half circle to round the flat part a bit, see photo.
e) Open both sides like a fan.
f) Peel back the layers one by one on each side.

Follow these steps to fold the tissue into a fan:

6. Wrap the bottom half of the swan neck to the body, by wrapping it under and around the tissue paper body. The entire bottom half of the tinfoil should fit like a circle around the middle part of the tissue paper. Press it tightly so that it stays.

7. The swan will be top heavy if you don’t put it onto a base. You can glue it onto any base you’d like. We went with wooden slices and used play clay to make it stick, so that it can come off if desired. You can glue it on instead. Feel free to paint the wood or leave it natural.

You’re beautiful Swan creation is now finished! Display it on a bookshelf or use it as a toy.

We made two so that they could have a soul mate. Swans mate for life. They also look adorable side by side touching heads, making a cute heart.
You can create a fun winter pond scene, using blue ice. Make the ice by adding water to a plate with some blue watercolour paint or food colouring, or even blueberry juice! We created the trees using cut cardboard and the kids painted it.
They glide on the ice nicely and are fun to play with!

Swans symbolize LOVE, LOYALTY and PEACE.

We hope you enjoy making these adorable miniature white swans. 🦢
If you would like to show us your creations, we would love to see them! You can find us on Instagram @acorns.and.aprons - If you tag us we may feature your swan craft as a story. You can also email us at acornsandaprons@gmail.com to send a picture of your swan creation!
